Monday, December 05, 2005

Long Night

I was up until roughly 5:15 a.m. this morning. Here's a recap. I was working on a paper for my Exegesis of Mark class that was due today. It's not actually due until 5:00, but I wanted to get it done last night so I could attend to other things today. I finished that paper around 4:00 or so and got in the shower. While there, I was reviewing in my mind all the things coming up today - one of them being that I have to go listen to a couple more sermons in my small group for my preaching class. As I thought about that, I realized that I would need to turn in a self-evaluation of my last sermon today. As you might guess, I had completely forgotten about that and not done it. So, at around 4:30, I realize that I still have another assignment to do. I got out of the shower and wrote the two-page evaluation in 20 min. Not bad.

After that, I went to sleep for about four hours and got up an hour before I really needed to because I could hear my roommates talking in the living room and couldn't go back to sleep. In 20 min. I will go to class to listen to a couple more sermons. Let's hope they don't do me in!


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