Monday, April 09, 2007

Two Months! (60 Days)

You may or may not have noticed that I missed my 70 days post. Alas, we are now down to just two months left until graduation! Every time I become discouraged about my workload this quarter I remind myself that this is the last time I have to do it - just one final push! It's a good think I have that source of encouragement, because I missed the deadline to change courses to pass/fail, so I'll be taking all four of my classes for a grade. I should know a lot more about what the future holds soon. When that info comes, I'll pass it along.

Potential Good News for Indiana

One of my favorite things about living in California is the ban on smoking in all public places. You're never asked for a smoking preference at any restaurant here, and you can bowl without coming back smelling like an ashtray. It's something I've come to take for granted and now folks all across Indiana may be able to breathe healthier at Stake 'n Shake. Bloomington has had a city-wide smoking ban for a while now, and Lafayette and West Lafayette passed similar measures in the last couple years.

Check out the story at

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Christ is risen!


Friday, April 06, 2007