Tuesday, March 20, 2007

80 Days

Well, it's just after 11:00 pm here, so I can still technically get in my somehow now customary every 10 days post. Like that sentence? If you were planning to take a trip around the world before my graduation, perhaps you should have left today. The days are zipping by now, I guess. We're on Spring Break here in Fullerland, and not much exciting is happening. I'm trying to get to the gym every day, and I want to cook and clean - you know, the things that normal people do. I've cooked a little so far, but nothing good. Tonight my roommates and I whipped up some Papa John's - one of our favorite recipes. I want to relish the week off, but I'm not dreading the end of it, because I'm kind of anxious to get this last quarter started.

Speaking of my last quarter, I will be taking Systematic Theology 1, Christian Ethics, Hebrew Prophets, and Baptist Polity. Excepting the Baptist class, I'm finishing up with a bunch of surveys I probably should've taken a long time ago. It reminds me a little bit of when I took Sociology 120 my senior year at Purdue. It was in the Class of 1950 Lecture Hall, so it was me and about 470 freshmen plus Kelli Sanders, who was a sophomore I think and sat next to me. Kelli and I played tic-tac-toe in that class. It's a pointless game of course, but we played on. That was a great class. We sat near the very back on the right side, played tic-tac-toe, and made fun of the professor who was prone to tantrums. One time he wanted the whole class to bring a certain thing to class (a workbook or the syllabus or something) and almost no one did, so he got really upset and said "Class dismissed!" in a very exasperated voice like 5 minutes into the class. Did we care? Were we supposed to? Come on. We laughed and went home glad. Kelli and I didn't really think sociology was a science - more like some kind of stepchild of psychology and anthropology. I don't think that will happen in any of the survey classes I am taking at Fuller this coming quarter. Too bad.

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

90 Days

It's hard to believe it's already been 10 days since we hit the 100 mark. The days are flying now. I got that sermon written - and preached it. It was on baptism, and it went well. Now we're getting ready to head into finals week. I have one exam, one major paper, two shorter papers, and one very minor paper to write. That should be enough for a week's work. The major paper is for the class I took on the Word in Worship. I'm going to argue for Baptists to use the term sacrament instead of ordinance in reference to baptism and the Lord's supper.

The job search continues, and here I'll just say that it seems to be going well. The rubber hits the road in less than three months now.

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